In recent times, Trundle has suddenly emerged as an extremely effective way to counter the meta in the Truth Arena.
If you pay attention, many key players in the current meta are taking advantage of items that provide critical abilities such as Jhin, Lux, Samira… Therefore, Thorn Cloak has become an indispensable item in the current meta.
To start with this squad, you should find a way to activate the 2 Fighters milestone early with units like Trundle, Illaoi or Vi.
Then when you enter the mid-game, you need to apply slow roll play at level 7 to find ways to push units like Trundle, Zac or Lissandra to 3 stars.
For the late game, the most notable upgrades you can think of are Dr.Mundo and Tahm Kench.
With Hextech upgrade options, gamers should prioritize upgrading to increase recovery based on maximum health for Gladiator units.
In the equipment selection section, Runaan’s Furious Bow is the most important attack item you need to own.