Pick up the absurd details that few people pay attention to in Detective Conan

Pick up the absurd details that few people pay attention to in Detective Conan 3

Although famous for cases that are explained by a huge amount of knowledge from all areas of life, the Conan universe still has many flaws.

Chapter 7: The victim fell on his back but ended up on his stomach?

According to Conan’s argument in this case, the victim fell on a knife from a high chair to commit suicide and stage the scene.

Chapter 10: Dr. Agasa fakes documents for Conan and Ai to go to school, but then refuses to fake passports because it’s illegal?

In order for Conan and Haibara to go to school like normal children, the doctor personally took care of the procedures.

Pick up the absurd details that few people pay attention to in Detective Conan

Chapter 741: How old is Teitan School?

If readers remember, in the case of Agasa’s first love, the doctor said that 40 years ago he was in 6th grade. In conclusion, if Agasa was the first class of students when Teitan school was inaugurated, then this school would have been

Pick up the absurd details that few people pay attention to in Detective Conan

Chapter 180: Akemi knew everything about Edogawa Conan and even told Shiho?

Flip back to the first chapters when Akemi appears.

Pick up the absurd details that few people pay attention to in Detective Conan

Not only that, another very absurd detail is the fact that Akemi suddenly knows Conan’s full name.

Chapter 308: The same problem appears again in this chapter, when Conan suddenly knows Akai Shuichi’s full name.

Conan first met Akai during the Golden Apple case in New York.

Pick up the absurd details that few people pay attention to in Detective Conan

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