Lotus social network `does not compete directly with Facebook because users go to Lotus to read content`

Lotus social network `does not compete directly with Facebook because users go to Lotus to read content` 6

After a lot of previously revealed information, on the morning of September 9, 2019, VCCorp Joint Stock Company held a press conference to launch the Lotus Social Network.

Opening the press conference, Mr. Nguyen The Tan, General Director of VCCorp shared: `Lotus social network is built on 3 main pillars: Content/Content Producer, Product, Community.

First of all, Lotus is a social network that revolves around content, taking content as the center.

Lotus attracts users with better, more quality and more diverse content.

To have good original content, at this stage, Lotus cooperates with more than 500 content creators in 20 different fields (Education, economics, photography, story writing, blogs, vlogs, entertainment, music).

Why Content is King.

`On Lotus, everyone is an artisan, everyone can become an expert`

Sharing about Lotus’s working strategy with content producers and celebrities, Ms. Nguyen Thuy Dung – in charge of content creators, said: `We listen to the needs of content creators to see

For celebrities, they need to interact better with fans on social networks.

Lotus social network builds all conditions to `liberate creativity` for content creators.

Lotus social network `does not compete directly with Facebook because users go to Lotus to read content`

On Lotus, everyone is an artisan, an expert in a certain field for a certain group of people. Everyone can become a content creator, creating more beautiful, new, and more creative content.

Does Lotus compete with Facebook?

When asked by a reporter about competing with social network Facebook, Mr. Nguyen The Tan said: `Lotus both competes with Facebook and does not compete. Lotus will compete with users’ usage time with Facebook and Youtube.

Lotus social network `does not compete directly with Facebook because users go to Lotus to read content`

But Lotus does not compete directly because Lotus occupies a position in terms of content experience time.

Mr. Nguyen The Tan also added that Lotus social network focuses on content development, revolving around content, this is what is attractive and attracts users and is also different from other social networks.

`The current content on some social networks is not professional enough because users post it indiscriminately,` Mr. Tan shared.

As for opening the door for online sales, Lotus will definitely open the door for users to sell online so they can do business and run ads.

Lotus social network `does not compete directly with Facebook because users go to Lotus to read content`

A question that many people are interested in is whether or not users are allowed to refuse advertising. Mr. Nguyen The Tan believes that users on Lotus are allowed to refuse advertisements that they are not interested in, do not want to see – but certainly

On Lotus, to evaluate a good, in-depth content among millions of content every day, in addition to the automatic mechanism, there is also a user proactive mechanism.

Lotus social network `does not compete directly with Facebook because users go to Lotus to read content`

The mechanism to verify fake and real news on Lotus is not to verify and confirm whether it is fake or real.

Lotus social network `does not compete directly with Facebook because users go to Lotus to read content`

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