Marketing and advertising are essential business tools for any type of product to succeed, and video games are no exception to that list.
However, besides that, everyone has also witnessed countless failed advertising campaigns of some games, some of which were even annoying, leading to negative results.
Sin to win (Dante’s Inferno)
Back in 2010, developer Visceral Games completed Dante’s Inferno, a hack-and-slash action game based on Dante Alighieri’s Divine Comedy.
Backlash occurred almost immediately, with people denouncing the promotion as misogynistic.
Human-shaped meat (Resident Evil 6)
In September 2012, Japanese game publisher Capcom ran a unique, but extremely crude, advertising campaign for the launch of Resident Evil 6. The campaign included a series of murder scenes.
This store has two goals, promote the new Resident Evil game and provide proceeds from the meat sales to the Limbless Association, a UK non-profit organization that helps gamers.
God of War 2’s Goat Sacrifice Program
Before the success of God of War today, Sony developed brutal hack-and-slash games that won the hearts of many gamers around the world.
These animal rights groups were very angry when they saw the goat being beheaded, accusing Sony of killing the goat for the purpose of selling its products.