A series of card-scratching tycoons Vu Co Don, Louis Vuitton… will gather in Thuc Son Truyen Ky Online

A series of card-scratching tycoons Vu Co Don, Louis Vuitton... will gather in Thuc Son Truyen Ky Online 0

Famous card scratching giants of the Vietnamese gaming industry

In the past two weeks, the game Thuc Son Truyen Ky Online is the focus of the Vietnamese online game market.

You also know, it is not natural that the game Thuc Son Truyen Ky has been receiving curiosity and interest from gamers because when immersing themselves in the fairyland, players will feel the moment

Thousands of beautiful women are waiting for the game Thuc Son Truyen Ky Online to be released

Besides, Thuc Son Truyen Ky also develops game content in the direction of PvP series.

1. HotGirl Huong Thao raised 200 million on Tieu Ngao Journey to the West 2013

For Huong Thao, she accidentally came across the game Tieu Ngao Tay Du 4 years ago while surfing the web.

2. Hiep Hip – The king of card scratches worth more than 150 million per game

Born in Vietnam but living, studying and working in Japan, he had been selling cards to the card-scratching saint `Vu Co Don` for several months when he met him in the game `Naruto`.

3. Saintess DongVy – Online princess of the Vietnamese gaming industry

Beauty Dong Vy was born in 1992, she is currently doing online sales in Ho Chi Minh.

4. Nguyen Phuong Nam – The powerful leader

Phuong Nam is a senior who always holds the position of Leader of a large gang in many online games such as: Legend of Martial Arts, Dream of Martial Arts, Kiem The… He was born and works in real estate and hotel restaurant business in Vietnam.

5. Nguyen Dang Khoa – A teenager alone can weigh the whole world

Born, raised and working in America, although quite young, this guy’s spending money on online games makes everyone surprised and admirable.

Besides the famous faces above, the game Thuc Son Truyen Ky Online also has the participation of many other giants such as: Mr. Nguyen Van Nguyen – with the nickname `Doc Co1Kiem – Kiem The game, LangBa1Bo – Phong Van game`, Mr.

Sharing with the publisher, all of the above talents entered the game with the desire to interact and connect with friends to create an always powerful and sustainable Thuc Son Truyen Ky game.

Home page: http://thucsontruyenky.vn

Fanpage: https://web.facebook.com/gamethucsontruyenky/?fref=ts

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